Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sick. =(

Hi all. I know I said I would have another entry out soon but it seems as though the change of environment is boding ill as I've not been feeling all that great over the past couple of days. I slept for 15 hours last night which helped to an extent though all of my symptoms seemed to have some back, namely, a terrible sore throat, mild headache, a weird croaking in the back of my throat, chills, and feeling a little shaky/sensitive. So, I'm sorry I haven't updated when I said I would. I will do what I can to get something out in the next few days. I usually get over these quicker than normal (or quicker than Heather at least) so keep your fingers crossed this'll be over in the morning. Night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Feel better! Take something and get more rest. Good Luck.

    Don't worry about blogging or pics, get yourself well first.

